The curriculum for the Upper Primary Stage covers Englis, Hindi(Second Language), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology(under Science), History & Civics, Geography (under the subject History, Civics & Geography), Computer Studies and Arts Education.
Being the medium of institution (first language) the focus of English language learning at this stage is on oral and written expression, in a creative manner. This would help develop a sense of appreciation and critical vision for different forms of literature among children. The emphasis of Second Language learning at his stage is to hone the skills and develop an interest in the language and literature.
The focus of Mathematics learning at this stage is to consolidate and expand the learning through problem solving techniques.
Science at this stage branches out into Physics, Chemistry and Biology, so as to help children understand the isues and concerns of these areas. In Social Studies, two core areas,, History & Civics and Geography, have been identified. Computer Studies curriculum focuses on acquisition of knowledge and skills in ICT so as to enable students to use common software applications and technology to access and utilize information.
The emphasis of Arts Education at this stage is on development of creative expression and expression through visual art forms. Arts Education follows a theme based approach in this curriculum, wherein efforts have been made to provide suggstions for integration of Arts Education with other curriculum areas.
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